Costis Davaras: CV
Education, Employment & Field Experience
Ph.D., University of Paris, 1971
Ephor of Antiquities, Emeritus
Professor, University of Athens, Emeritus
Director of numerous excavations in Crete for the archaeological service in the capacity of Ephor of Antiquities, many of them rescue excavations to prevent loss of antiquities. Among the most important are the following: Stylos Chanion, Hagia Photia, Skotinos, Potamos, Mochlos, Gournia, Chamezi, Anemospelia near Palaikastro, Instrona, Vrysinas
President of the Organizing Committee, 6th International Colloquium of Aegean Prehistory, Athens, 1987
Selected Publications (Chosen from over 50)
Books and Monographs
As author:
Kanta, A., and C. Davaras. 2011. ΕΛΟϒΘΙΑ ΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΙΟΝ: Το ιερό σπήλαιο της Ειλειθυίας στον Τσούτσουρο, Heraklion.
Davaras, C., and P.P. Betancourt. 2004. The Hagia Photia Cemetery I: The Tomb Groups and Architecture (Prehistory Monographs 14), Philadelphia.
Davaras, C. 2003. Führer zu den Altertümern Kretas. Athens.
_________. 2003. Parallels and Affinities between Crete and India in the Bronze Age: Some Speculations (Cretan Studies Suppl. 1), Amsterdam.
_________. 1976. Guide to Cretan Antquities, Park Ridge.
_________. Το ανάκτορο του Κνωσού, Athens, n.d.
As co-editor:
With J.S. Soles,
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras, eds. 2019. Mochlos IVA. Period III: Neopalatial Settlement on the Island. The House of the Metal Merchant and other Buildings in the Neopalatial Town (Prehistoric Monographs), by J.S. Soles, Philadelphia, 2019.
_________________________. 2015. Mochlos III. Mochlos after the Bronze Age. The Hellenistic Period: The Beam Press Building (Prehistoric Monographs 48), by N. Vogeikoff-Brogan, Philadelphia.
_________________________. 2011. Mochlos IIC: Period IV. The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery. The Human Remains and Other Finds (Prehistory Monographs 32), J.S. Soles et al., Philadelphia.
___________________________. 2010. Mochlos IIB: Period IV. The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery. The Pottery (Prehistory Monographs 27), by R.A.K. Smith, Philadelphia.
___________________________. 2008. Mochlos IIA: Period IV. The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetary. The Sites (Prehistory Monographs 23), by J.S. Soles, Philadelphia. 2008.
___________________________. 2004. Mochlos IC: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Small Finds (Prehistory Monographs 9), J.S. Soles et al., Philadelphia.
___________________________. 2003. Mochlos IB: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Neopalatial Pottery (Prehistory Monographs 8), by K.A. Barnard and T.M. Brogan, Philadelphia.
___________________________. 2003. Mochlos IA: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Sites (Prehistory Monographs 7), by J.S. Soles, Philadelphia.
As editor of Pseira volumes:
Betancourt, P.P, and C. Davaras, eds. 2009. Pseira X: The Excavation of Block AF (Prehistory Monographs 28), Philadelphia.
Betancourt, P.P., C. Davaras, and R. Hope Simpson, eds. 2005. Pseira IX: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island. Part 2: The Intensive Surface Survey (Prehistory Monographs 12), Philadelphia.
_________________________________________________. 2004. Pseira VIII: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island. Part 1 (Prehistory Monographs11), Philadelphia.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras, eds. 2003. Pseira VII: The Pseira Cemetery. 2: Excavation of the Tombs (Prehistory Monographs 6), Philadelphia
_________________________________. 2003. Pseira VI: The Pseira Cemetery. 1: The Surface Survey (Prehistory Monographs 5), Philadelphia.
_________________________________. 2003. Pseira V: The Architecture of Pseira (University Museum Monograph 109), J.C. McEnroe, Philadelphia.
_________________________________. 1999. Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Area B,C,D, and F (University Monograph 105), Philadelphia
_________________________________. 1998. Pseira III: The Plateia Building (University Museum Monograph 102). C.R. Floyd, Philadelphia
_________________________________. 1998. Pseira II: Building AC (the “Shrine”) and Other Buildings in Area A (University Museum Monograph 94), Philadelphia.
_________________________________. 1995. Pseira I: The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A (University Museum Monograph 90), Philadelphia
Davaras, C. 2010. “One Minoan Peak Sanctuary Less: The Case of Thylakas 71,” in Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren, O Krzyszkowska, ed., London, pp. 71-88.
________. 2004, “The Mochlos Ship Cup,” in Mochlos IC: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Small Finds (Prehistory Monographs 9), J.S. Soles and C. Davaras, eds., Philadelphia, pp. 3-16.
Davaras, C., and E. Banou. 2003. “A Post-palatial Tomb at Kalochoraphitis, Messara,” Cretan Studies 8, pp 41-78.
Davaras, C. 2001. “Comments on the Plateia Building,” in Pseira V: The Architecture of Pseira (University Museum Monograph 109), J.C. McEnroe, with P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, eds., Philadelphia, pp. 79-86.
________. 2000. “Αρχαιóτητα” in Ο Άγιος Νικóλαος και η περιοχή του, Herakleion, pp. 11-45.
________. 1999. “Comments on the Plateia (Area BR)” in Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Area B,C,D, and F (University Monograph 105), P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, eds., Philadelphia, pp. 167-169.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras, eds. 1998. “Lithic Materials” in Pseira III: The Plateia Building (University Museum Monograph 102), by C.R. Floyd, with P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, eds., Philadelphia.
Davaras, C. 1997. “The Cult Villa at Makrygialos,” in The Function of the “Minoan Villa.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6-8 June 1992 (SkrAth 4º, 46), R. Hägg, ed., Stockholm, pp. 117-135.
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 1995. “Some Stratigraphic Observations at Mochlos,” in Πεπραγμένα του Ζ’ Διεθνους Κρητολογικου Συνεδρίου Α’ (2), Rethymnon, pp. 881-886.
Davaras, C., and J. S. Soles. 1996. “Excavations at Mochlos, 1992-1993”. Hesperia 65, pp. 175-230.
Davaras, C., and J. S. Soles. 1995. “A New Oriental Cylinder Seal from Mochlos. Appendix: Catalogue of the Cylinder Seals Found in the Aegean,” ArchEph 134 [1997], pp. 29-66.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras. 1995. “Recent Excavations at Pseira, Crete” in Πεπραγμένα του Ζ’ Διεθνους Κρητολογικου Συνεδρίου Α’ (1), Rethymnon.
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 1994. “Excavations at Mochlos, 1990-1991,” Hesperia 63, pp. 391-436.
Davaras, C., and J. Soles. 1994. “ Ἕνας νέος ἀνατολικός σφραγιδοκύλινδρος ἀπό τόν Μόχλο,” Cretan Studies 4, pp. 71-76.
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 1993.“’Ανασκαφές στόν Μόχλο Σητείας: Περίοδος 1990-91,” Ἀμάλθεια 94-97, pp. 45-65.
_____________________. 1992“Excavations at Mochlos, 1989,” Hesperia 61, pp. 413-445.
Davaras, C., and J.S. Soles. 1992. “’Ανασκαφές στόν Μόχλο Σητείας: Περίοδος 1989,” Ἀμάλθεια 90-93, pp. 37-43.
Davaras, C., P.P. Betancourt, and W.R. Farrand. 1992. “Pseira,” in The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete, J.W. Myers, E.E. Myers, and G. Cadogan, eds., Berkeley, pp. 262-267.
Davaras, C. 1992. “The Seventh International Conference for Cretan Studies, Rethymnon 1991,” Kadmos 31, pp. 164-170.
_________. 1992. “Minoan Civilization,” “The Clay Boat,” “Bronze Figurines,” “Bronze Double Axes,” and “Gold Double Axes,” in Minoan and Greek Civilization from the Mitsotakis Collection, L. Marangou, ed., Athens, pp. 31-38, 107-108, 243-257, 262-266, 267-268.
_________. 1992. “Makrygialos” in The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete. J.W. Myers, E.E. Myers, and G. Cadogan, eds., Berkeley, pp. 172-174.
_________. 1992. “Chamaizi,” in The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete. J.W. Myers, E.E. Myers, and G. Cadogan, eds., Berkeley, pp.78-81.
_________. 1992. “Ajios Nikolaos: Archäologisches Museum,” in Kleinere griechische Sammlungen: Ägina-Korinth (CMS V, Suppl. 1A), I. Pini, ed., Berlin, pp. 29-71.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras, eds. 1991-1993. “Ψείρα 1989,” Κρητική Εστία 4, pp.304-305.
Davaras, C. 1991. “The Wace and Blegen Conference in Athens, 1989,” Kadmos 30, pp.81-82.
Soles, J., and C. Davaras. 1990. “Theran Ash in Minoan Crete: New Excavations on Mochlos,” in Thera and Aegean World III. 3: Chronology, D.A. Hardy and C. Renfrew, eds., London, pp. 89-95.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras, eds. 1990. “’Αρχαιολογικές ερευνες στήν Ψείρα: Περίοδοι 1987-1989,” Ἀμάλθεια 82-85, pp. 20-37.
Davaras, C.1989. “Νέαρχος ό Λάτιος,” Ἀμάλθεια 80-81, pp. 233-240.
_________. 1989. “Μινωικά μεγισσουργικά σκεύη,” in Φίλια ἔπη εἰς Γεώργιον Μυλωνâ διà τà 60 ἔτη τοῦ ανασκαφικοῦ ἔργου Γ΄ (Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας 103), Athens, pp. 1-7.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras. 1988. “Excavations at Pseira, 1985 and 1986,” Hesperia 57, pp. 207-225.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras. 1988. “Excavations at Pseira,” Cretan Studies 1, pp.35-38.
Davaras, C. 1988. “Πρώιμες μινωικές σφραγίδες και σφραγιστικοί δακτύλιοι άπó τό σπήλαιο Γεροντομούπι Λασιθίου,” ArchEph 125 [1990], pp. 9-43.
_________. 1988. “Mykene und Kreta,” in Das Mykenische Hellas: Heimat der Helden Homers, K. Demakopoulou, ed., pp. 58-59.
_________. 1988. “A Minoan Beetle-Rhyton from Prinias Siteias,” BSA 83, pp. 45-54.
_________. 1986. “΄Ἑνα παλαιοανακτορικό πρῖσμα ἀπό τό σπήλαιο Γεροντομουρί Λασιθίου,” Cretan Studies 1, pp. 49-55.
Betancourt, P.P., and C. Davaras. 1986. “’Ἀνασκαφική ἔρευνα Ψείρας: Περίοδοι 1985 καί 1986,” Ἀμάλθεια 68-69, pp. 183-200.
Davaras, C. 1986. “A New Interpretation of the Ideogram 168,” Kadmos 25, pp. 38-43.
_________. 1985. “Une tombe á voûte en Crète orientale (note complémentaire),” BCH 109, pp. 625-628.
_________. 1985. “Ρωμαϊκό νεκροταφειο Άργίου Νικολάου,” ArchEph 124 [1987], pp. 130-216.
_________. 1984. “Une tombe à voûte en Crète orientale,” in Aux origins de l’ Hellénisme: La Crète et la Grèce. Hommage à Henri van Effenterre, Paris, pp. 297-310.
_________. 1984. “Μινωικό κηριοφόρο πλοιάριο τῆς Συλλογῆς Μητσοτάκη,” ArchEph 123 [1986], pp. 55-95.
Davaras, C., and O. Masson. 1983. “Cretica: Amnisos et ses inscriptions,” BCH 107, pp. 383-403.
Davaras, C. 1983. “Χρονικό ΚΔ’ Ἐφορείας Άρχαιοτήτων,” ArchDelt 38 (B΄, 2 Chronika) [1989], pp. 375-376.
_________. 1981. “Ό χρυσός στήν προανακτορική Κρήτη,” Ἀρχαιολογία 1, pp. 11-16.
_________. 1981. Μουσεῖον Ἀγίου Νικολάου: Ἀρχαιολογικός ὁδηγός, Athens.
_________. 1981. “Ἀρχιτεκτονικά στοιχεῖα της ϒΜ ΙΒ ἔπαυλης τοῦ Μακρυγιαλοῦ,” in Πεπραγμένα τοῦ Ε΄Διεθνοῦς Κρητολογικοῦ Συνεδρίου Α΄, Herakleion, pp. 77-92.
_________. 1981. “Ἀρχαιότητες καί μνημεῖα Ἀνατολικῆς Κρήτης 1981,” ArchDelt 36 (B΄, 2 Chronika) [1989], pp. 405-406
_________. 1980. “Χρονικό ΚΔ’Ἐφορείας Ἀρχαιοτήτων,” ArchDelt 35 (B΄ 2 Chronica) [1988], pp.518-523.
_________. 1980. “Une ancre minoenne sacrée?” BCH 104, pp.47-71.
_________. 1980. “Περισυλλογή ἀρχαιοτήτων στήν Πραισό,” Pract 135 [1982], pp. 408-411.
_________. 1980. “A Minoan Pottery Kiln at Palaikastro,” BSA 75, pp. 115-126.
_________. 1980. “A Minoan Graffito from Traostalos,” Kadmos 19, pp. 87-92.
_________. 1980. “Κρητικές ἐπιγραφές ΙΙΙ,” ArchEph 119 [1982], pp. 1-42.
_________. 1980. Κνωσός: Ἀρχαιολογικός ὁδηγός, Athens.
_________. 1979. Φαιστός—Άγία Τριάδα—Γόρτυς: Ἀρχαιολογικός Ὁδηγός, Athens.
_________. 1979. Μινωική τέxνη στό Μουσεῖον Ἡρακλείου: ὁρχαιολογικός όδηγός. Athens.
_________. 1979. “Das Grab eines kretischen Wettkampfsiegers?” Stadion 5, pp. 193-219.
_________. 1979. “A Double Axe – Design (?) from Vrokastro,” ArchEph 118 [1981], pp. 114-117.
_________. 1979. “Ἀρχαιότητες καί μνημεῖα Ἀνατ. Κρήτης 1979” ArchDelt 34 (B΄, Chronica) [1987], pp. 402-406, 410.
_________. 1978. “ Ἀρχαιότητες καί μνημεῖα Ἀνατ. Κρήτης 1977”, ArchDelt 33 (B΄, Chronica) [1985], pp. 385-395.
_________. 1977. “Χάλκινοι μινωικοί λάτρεις της Συλλογῆς Μεταξᾶ,” ArchEph 116 [1979], pp. 109-127.
_________. 1977. “Περισυλλογή ἀρχαίων Ἀνατολικῆς Κρήτης,” Prakt 132 [1980], pp. 491-496.
_________. 1977. “Μινωικός ἐγχάρακτος ἀγωγός ἀπό τό Παλαίκαστρο,” ArchDelt 32 (A΄, Meletes), pp. 65-69.
_________. 1977. “Ἀρχαιότητες καί μνημεῖα Ἀνατολικης Κρήτης 1976,” ArchDelt 32 (Β΄ 2 Chronica) [1984], pp. 334-340.
Davaras, C., and W. Brice. 1977. “A Fragment of a Libation Table Inscribed in Linear A, from Vrysinas,” Kadmos 16, pp. 5-6
Davaras, C. 1976. “Σύνθετα ίερά κέρατα άπό τό ίερό κορυφης του Πετσοφᾶ,” in Πεπραγμένα τοῦ Δ΄Διεθνοῦς Κρητολογικοῦ Συνεδρίου Α΄ (1), Athens, pp. 88-93.
_________. 1976. “Ἀρχαιότητες καί μνημεῖα Ἀνατολικῆς Κρήτης 1975,” ArchDelt 31 (B΄, Chronika) [1984], pp. 373-383.
_________. 1975. “Three Sherds Inscribed in Linear A, from Traostalos,” Kadmos 13, pp.167.
_________. 1975. “Λαξευτή ίχθυοδεξαμνεή στά Φέρμα Ίεραπέτρας,” ArchDelt 30 (A΄ Meletes), pp. 149-154.
_________. 1975. “Early Minoan Jewelry from Mochlos,” BSA 70, pp. 101-114.