Octopus Jug
Dating to the restructured society of the Mycenaean period, the Octopus jug was found within the tomb of the telestas, the governor of the Mochlos region at the time. His roles included the summoning of people for public works projects as well as the collection of taxes and the leading of ritual. The Octopus jug was “killed” before it was placed in the tomb, meaning that the handle and spout were broken off before its deposition and not included in the burial. This action symbolized the end of the individual’s time in the position of authority, and, with it, the end of the use life of the vessels through which he exercised his role.

To learn More about the Tomb where this jug and several other artifacts were discovered, select the button for Tomb 15 of the LM III Limenaria cemetery.
To learn more about the Bronze Dagger which was also ritually killed prior to entering the tomb select that button.
To learn more about the Larnax of Tomb 15 select that button, and to learn more about the Rhyton, scroll down.
The rhyton is a container that is used during ritual activity that is usually filled with fluids that are intended to be poured out in a ceremonial libation. It would be poured out into cups or possibly onto a kernos, a stone surface with small circular indentations on the surface. The conical rhyton, seen here, was a symbol of Minoan society and was even found depicted in the wall frescoes of the tombs of the Egyptian temple treasurers Rekhmire and Menkheperreseneb.

Photo by A. Tumbarello (2023)
Delegation of the "Keftiu" as depicted in the tomb of Rekhmire (Deir el-Bahari, Egypt TT100).
Figure 2 can be seen carrying a Rhyton.
To learn More about the Tomb where this Rhyton and several other artifacts were discovered, Please select the button for Tomb 15 of the LM III Limenaria cemetery.
To learn more about the Bronze Dagger which was also ritually killed prior to entering the tomb select that button.
To learn more about the Larnax of Tomb 15 select that button, and to learn more about the Octopus Jug, scroll up.