Excavation History at Mochlos
The Greek-American Excavation at Mochlos, Crete, was begun in 1989 under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, making it one of the longest Greek-American collaborations in the history of the School. Professors Jeffrey S. Soles from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Costis Davaras from the University of Athens are co-directors. It has uncovered remains dating from 3100 BC to the 10th century AD, including a Minoan town of the Neopalatial period (c. 1700-1430 BC), a Mycenaean village and its cemetery (c. 1400-1250 BC), and a Late Hellenistic settlement of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.
The modern excavation has been carried out in five campaigns, 1989-1993, 2004-2005, 2009-2010, 2012, and 2021-2022. The following preliminary reports have been issued for each season:
Campaign 1:

Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 1992. “Excavations at Mochlos, 1989,” Hesperia 61, pp. 413-445.
______________________. 1994. “Excavations at Mochlos, 1990-1991,” Hesperia 63, pp. 391-436.
______________________. 1996. “Excavations at Mochlos, 1992-1993,” Hesperia 65, pp. 175-230.
Campaign 2:
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 2004. “The 2004 Greek-American Excavations at Mochlos,” KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 7, pp. 2-5.
________________________. 2005. “The 2005 Greek-American Excavations at Mochlos,” KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 8, pp. 10-13.

Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 2009. “2009 Greek-American Excavation at Mochlos,” KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 12, pp. 9-11.
__________________________. 2010. “2010 Greek-American Excavations at Mochlos,” KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 13, pp. 1-3.
The Trident and the remains of a Tin Ingot.
Campaign 4
Soles, J.S., and C. Davaras. 2013. “A Temenos of Olive Trees at Mochlos,” KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 16, pp. 14-16.

Campaign 5
Soles, J.S., C. Davaras, C. Sofianou, G. Doudalis, 2022. "The 2021-2022 Excavations at Mochlos," KENTRO, the Newsletter of the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete 25, pp. 7-9.